URACCAN prepares for Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Day 2020
The vice-chancellor of the New Guinean compound, PhD. Eugenio López, hosted this first organizational meeting.
Judith Robleto

Science and Innovation for Transformation

With the motto "Science and Innovation for Transformation" is organizing the National Day of Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2020, which is expected to be carried out in October of this year, with the mission of promoting science and technological information and projecting them as fundamental pillars of economic, cultural and social development of our country. URACCAN is part of the Executive Committee for the realization of this event.

For the PhD. Eugenio López Mairena, vice-chancellor of the New Guinea venue, "the fairs of which we have already been part of the organizing team since 2014, are spaces where innovative products are presented, projects carried out from different instances such as the Ministry of Education, the National Technology and the UNC, represented by our universities, in addition to institutions that are part of the national production system".

López, who served as host of this first organizational meeting, added that "the meeting is to make the planning and prepare for the Territorial Exposciences, which contemplate guided tours where students, mainly from high school, visit the universities, the National Technological and know their academic offer and are motivated around developing a spirit of research, innovating and undertaking".

In this regard, Mr Carmelo Cortedano, director of INTA in New Guinea, said that "many alternatives are being developed; institutions, the private sector, students, public institutions will attend and present how research processes are being conducted."

Cortedano Palma also noted that this fair "comes to rescue the work that the producers, the student and all the people who are dedicated to innovating and taking out something that serves for productivity and daily work".

The session, which agrees on the development of Territorial Exposciences, organizes the working committees that will ensure the good performance of each of the participants. The expo is proposed as a space for contribution to the development and interest in scientific and technological knowledge and the exchange of research results that improve the daily activity and quality of life of families and communities.

Brief historical profile of Territorial Exposciences

From 2014 on, Territorial Exposciences began, within the framework of the Fourth Edition of the National Day of Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; this event is in addition to government institutions working for development and social education. For this reason, URACCAN has actively participated as part of the National Council of Universities.

Territorial Exposciences also include guided tours to promote interest in Science and Technology among the population, allowing all Nicaraguans to have access to knowledge, solutions and innovations that are being generated in human talent-forming instances, in this case URACCAN and the Autonomous Regions.