From the center of innovation and entrepreneurship
By: Neylin Calderón
URACCAN, in its Bilwi university campus, has a Center for Innovation and Intercultural Community Entrepreneurship, called "Slilma", offering open innovation courses, with the participation of students through new, innovative and socially interested projects for the Caribbean population.
In this sense, on Tuesday, August 20, a regional briefing will be held, led by Roberto Blandino, coordinator of the Open Online University of Nicaragua (UALN-CNU), for the promotion of the registration of teams or groups, who will participate in the competition developed by the platform "Hackaton Nicaragua 2019", reported the teacher Víctor Zúñiga, director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship area of the URACCAN.
That is why, from the Center for Innovation and Intercultural Community Entrepreneurship "Slilma", the invitation is being made to the entire population of the northern Caribbean to participate in that event, also that day will be the official launch of the third season of Open Innovation from the Slilma center of URACCAN, Zúñiga argued.
About the Hackathon
This national event is promoted by the National Institute of Technology (Inatec), in coordination with the Ministry of Education (Mined), National Council of Universities (UNC), Channel 6, Network of Young Communicators JS19J, where countless innovators and innovators meet, with their own projects with the purpose of exposing their work and the way to promote the digital creativity that can be obtained in Nicaraguan youth.
The main objective of this event is "To promote the creative and entrepreneurial economy since the development of technologies", said Master Zúñiga, also reported that it can participate "the entire technological, innovative, entrepreneurial population of the country from the age of 14 with basic or advanced knowledge in programming, marketing, design, communication, among others, in order to create a value proposition that contributes to the solution of challenges and themes defined in this document , there will be three categories: amateur, advanced and expert," he concluded.
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