person donating blood

Alliances between the Student Movement, and the Blood Bank start blood donation campaign

By: Neylin Calderón

In order to promote humanism and solidarity in the study, the National Union of Students of Nicaragua (UNEN-URACCAN), in coordination with representatives of the Blood Bank of Nicaragua, held on Thursday, Friday, Friday 28 and Saturday, February 29, the voluntary collection of blood with students of the Bilwi compound, where they collected at least 200 samples.

According to Hector Thomas, a member of the URACCAN Student Movement, at the Bilwi compound, coordinations with the Blood Bank were made to promote blood donation in the student community "is too important and very beneficial for ourselves, at some point we need a blood donation," the student stressed.

For their part Allan Mena, representatives of the Blood Bank, stated that they have a projected goal of a thousand units in the municipalities of Puerto Cabezas and Waspam "in the collection all these days for what is Puerto Cabezas we have a projection of 750 units, and 250 units that we have as a goal in Waspam, which we went last week and managed to get 254 units" , detailed Mena.

Mena also valued the coordination between URACCAN, and the Blood Bank "as they motivate the student and support the Blood Bank to this noble cause of helping to save life in our country," he said, the resustriction.

Great participation of the student community

Students at the Bilwi compound were pleased to be part of this large voluntary blood collection that will benefit patients in these municipalities, most of whom were from the careers of Psychology in Multicultural Contexts, and Intercultural Medicine, who until Friday afternoon had more than 150 units of blood collected.

Student Rodrigo Jarquín, who is in the first year of Intercultural Medicine, said it is the first time he has made this noble cause of donating blood "it is a good thing because we are helping because we do not know if tomorrow any of us will need," the student said.

Similarly, student Kenly Stanley felt that contributing to blood donation is everyone's responsibility and I "am aware that by donating a little bit of my blood I can save a life and I'm really happy, I tell the population that if they can donate blood," Stanley emphasized.