URACCAN, preventing traffic accidents and promoting non-drug use
Judith Robleto

URACCAN, from its premises in New Guinea and in coordination with the national police in the area, is working on the prevention of traffic accidents and promoting non-drug use among its students.

To this end, he has held briefings and awareness talks on these public health problems, the numbers of which are mainly increasing among adolescents and young people.

National Police anti-narcotics officer Marlon Solano, addressing URACCAN New Guinea students, says that "the scourge of drugs always ends up affecting us in one way or another, either because we use it or someone in the family or friends consumes these substances."

For Solano, the information spaces promoted by this Intercultural Community University raise awareness among the young population, so it is appropriate to unification of efforts between the two institutions.

Ronald Astorga Cruz, departmental head of the Central Transit Zelaya, invited students to exercise caution when driving; as it says that "people who are mostly dying from road accidents are young." Traffic accidents set a dangerous regional trend and are a serious challenge in the costly society.

In this sense, Bryan Espinoza Palacio, a student of Civil Engineering, thanks this educational institution for this social commitment through these talks. "This is not the first time that the coordinations that have been established between the university and the police have been made and are of great importance, because through these talks more than one will become aware of the deña of drug use or driving without caution," he said.