Articulation of works between community museums

By Judith Robleto and Neylin Calderon

URACCAN, as an active member and coordinator of the network of community museums of the Americas, organized on January 24 and 25 in the city of Juigalpa, the VII meeting of community museums in Nicaragua. This network is an organization that was born in 2013, in order to strengthen the safeguarding of Nicaragua's cultural historical heritage and collect the collective memory of peoples.

The activity that was inaugurated with the cultural presentation of the participating peoples and words of welcome of the organizers, stressing that this network contributes to the cultural rescue of Nicaragua from the proposal of living museums.

From the museum "Los Ranchitos" located in the university campus of URACCAN New Guinea, it plans to make the history laboratory of this house of studies; as a member of Nicaragua's network of museums and under the coordination of Dr. Eugenio López, he organized a seventh meeting of community museums in Nicaragua, with the presence of friendly members of the museum and its leaders.

Friends of museums meet again

A fundamental part of museum life is friends who strengthen not only their museums but also their what to do; that's why friends from museums also attend the meeting.

In this context, teacher Greysi Pauth, head of the Los Ranchitos community museum in URACCAN in New Guinea, noted that "community museums have become one of the main tools of appropriation of the identity of peoples", ensuring that "community museums go beyond a dead premises of display of ancient objects, are means of communication to train , appropriate, engage our indigenous communities and ethnic groups," he said.

Shared dreams

This seventh meeting of Community Museums of Nicaragua, the main purpose was to strengthen the philosophical, conceptual and methodological vision of community museums to continue to tell their own stories, in addition to fortifying these museums as a vehicle to preserve and value the identity and cultural heritage of local communities.

Similarly, it delve into fundamental themes for the development of community museums and their network, including the creation of Community Museums, municipal community museum project, preventive archaeology, the achievements and weaknesses of these Nicaraguan museums, and the meeting was held with the managers of the Network of Community Museums of Nicaragua.

Participants from the Bilwi campus.

The Msc participated from the Bilwi compound. Sesiah Davis, coordinator of the Observatory for Multi-Ethnic Regional Autonomy (OARM-URACCAN), Msc. Elizabeth Solomon, coordinator of the Institute of Linguistic Promotion and Research and Cultural Revitalization (IPILC-URACCAN), Br. Kervin Richinal, student of the career of Cultural Management.

In addition, the representative of the Indigenous and Afro-descendant Territorial Government of Karatá (GTI-Karatá) and Paulina McDavis, coordinator of the Secretariat of Culture of the Autonomous Regional Government of the North Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua (GRACCN).

Purposes of the meeting in Juigalpa

This sixth meeting of Community Museums of Nicaragua, has as its main purpose to strengthen the philosophical, conceptual and methodological vision of community museums to continue narrating their own stories, in addition to fortifying these museums as a vehicle to preserve and value the identity and cultural heritage of local communities.

Likewise, it delves into fundamental themes for the development of community museums and their network, including the creation of Community Museums, project of municipal community museums, preventive archaeology, the achievements and weaknesses of these Nicaraguan museums, in addition to the meeting with the managers of the Network of Community Museums of Nicaragua.