25 new graduates to strengthen the region's education system
By: Neylin Calderón
This Friday, January 24th of the current, students of the V year of the Bachelor of Education Sciences with mention in Language and Literature of URACCAN in the Bilwi campus, had the last day of classes of the school year of the bachelor's degree, that is why, since vice-chancellor and the National Union of Students of Nicaragua (UNEN-URACCAN), they performed an emotional activity to the rhythm of dances of their own , poetry and motivating messages to dismiss them.
In this sense, the Phd. Enrique Cordón, vice-chancellor of URACCAN on the Bilwi campus, stated that these 25 students, "entered the university trusting URACCAN, that URACCAN would transform their lives, their minds for a better future... you are new professionals who are going to strengthen training processes for elementary, secondary and university students," the vice-chancellor said.
For his part, Jehú Castro, student representative at the Bilwi compound, gave words of thanks to the 25 students, "We thank you for having the confidence of the UNEN Student Movement of Bilwi, I want you to know that we are here to give you a hand when you need it," Castro emphasized.
Motivating messages from students
In this context, the student Marisol Dixón, declaimed a poem as a way of gratitude to the university, "so many memories, so many beautiful moments, we leave, thank you for everything, I remember coming to this sacred land of knowledge that she could step on our feet, so much enthusiasm because we are from different communities", recited the student.
While Reyna Francisco Rugama, also a student of the 5th year of Education Sciences with a mention in Language and Literature, stated that, "on behalf of our colleagues thank them for the support they have been giving us all these years, they have given us spaces, they have listened to us, we thank them for each of the opportunities they gave us, you motivated us so that we could complete our studies" Concluded.
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