URACCAN holds meeting to address the educational needs and demands of its students
Student leaders previously met with college students to address their needs and demands.
Neylin Calderón, Judith Robleto, José Garth and Ricardo Guzmán

The activity was held in view of the Special Session of the University Council of URACCAN on 21 August.

The Academic Directorate of URACCAN, the Student Welfare area and the Student Government of the four campuses of this institution met virtually this morning to evaluate the first weeks of the second academic semester 2020, which takes place in modality by meeting. This activity took place prior to the Special Session of the University Council of URACCAN (CUU), on Friday, August 21.  

During the meeting, representatives of the student leadership exposed URACCAN's academic director, MSc. Letisia Castillo, the main needs of university students regarding their educational process. To this end, the presidents of UNEN in the venues previously held assemblies with the student, who expressed their reasoned decision to rejoin the face-to-face classes or at least increase the number of meetings, especially in careers whose pennsum contains great practical burden or extensive content, such as Intercultural Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Agroforestry Engineering, among others.  

According to Rubel Chamorro, Student President of URACCAN, this space shared the strengths and weaknesses that university students have faced with the new educational modality; In addition, the student community's compliance with scheduled activities from the virtual platform was assessed.

In this sense, Katherine Huete, student president of URACCAN in the New Guinea campus, stated that it is important to "know the situation of the student in the territories and find ways to improve, because we can talk about actions that can be improved between the areas that directly involve the student".

The student government of Las Minas, represented by Félix Aráuz, also agreed that boys and girls prefer to return to face-to-face classes, taking all precautions in the face of the health crisis and relying on the protocol implemented by URACCAN, from Rectory.   

Subsequently, teacher Letisia Castillo will present to the CUU, the institution's highest decision-making body, a detailed report on the analysis and academic assessment of the needs and demands of the student community.