Return of study results

By. Josselyn Flores

The University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN), through the Institute of Natural Resources environment and sustainable development (IREMADES), conducted a study on "Indigenous Foods and Food Security", in the communities of Raytipura, Awas and Kakhabila in the Laguna de Perlas basin; the study was funded by the (FAO).

In this sense, the IREMADES technical team, coordinated by teacher Xiomara Treminio, who led the study process, visited the community in conjunction with nutritionist Elizabeth Rodriguez, representative of the (FAO), and engineer Luis Balmaceda coordinator of the nutritional food commission, belonging to the inter-university council for food security.

The purpose of this visit was to share with the community the results of the research carried out on the characterization of indigenous foods and the status of school-age children, the presentation was made by the teacher Treminio who detailed the objective of having carried out this study, which was to know the nutritional status in which children are among the stages of growth in the ages of 5 to 15 years.

Results found

According to Treminio in these communities mentioned, 134 people were worked with 96 of them misquitous children, 86% of the infants are in normal nutritional status, while 9% are overweight and 5% obese. The teacher said, "Indigenous peoples depend on natural resources, so the idea of knowing whether the food produced is healthy for consumption was raised."

The above was found that farmers in Awas and Raitipura grow beans and bananas, which is consumed by the community at large alongside cassava and Quequisque, as well as consumption through fishing.

In this context the engineer Balmaceda refers to the gastronomy in these multi-ethnic territories may vary, so these studies are carried out to identify, what are the contributions of these foods and the diet index of them, in this way they are allowed as an organization to make concrete proposals in terms of food health, "Which interests us to give an answer to society in this case to the Caribbean Coast". About

Rescue of local gastronomy.

For Balmaceda to talk about rescue of local gastronomy is to have a lot of information, "It carries in its particularity in terms of the ingredients that are used culturally.

Engineer Elvis Calero of the IREMADES technical team shared with community participants, dishes and beverages made from products native to the territory, which are accessible and rich in vitamins, which contribute to food security. Like Yuca fresh and rice with shrimp.