URACCAN and IBEX Global Nicaragua organize virtual employment fair
Young aspirants were advised technologically by officials appointed by URACCAN to support them.
Disclosers and Ricardo Guzmán

This Friday, August 7, is the last day to participate from this intercultural community university.

In order to attract young human talents with great english language skills, technological skills and communication skills, URACCAN and IBEX Global Nicaragua organized a virtual employment fair in the four university campuses of this institution.

This fair is held at the level of the entire Caribbean Coast, whose population is characterized by the mastery of various languages, including English and its variants. That is why regional governments and municipal mayors also participate.

The activity is carried out under the direct coordination of Rectory, from its different areas: Directorate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (DIE), Institute of Intercultural Communication (ICI), the System of Information Technology and Institutional Communication (SITICI) and Follow-up to Graduates.

In this sense, the rector of URACCAN, Dr. Alta Hooker, guided the ICI to design a communication strategy to motivate and generate the participation of young people who have done English courses, who studied or graduated from the Bachelor of English offered by this prestigious institution, always promoting the health measures contemplated in the safety protocol.

According to Víctor Zúniga of die, as an intercultural higher education institution, URACCAN guaranteed five macro processes to promote its students:

  1. Disseminate information about the feria work online, which was made from the ICI, reaching the Caribbean student community through advertising on social networks and website of this study house.
  2. Recruitment of applicants, from the DIE through its different centers in all campuses and the Management of Graduate Follow-up.
  3. Ensure sites and technological conditions, through the Computer Labs, from where university students accessed the link provided by IBEX to carry out the evaluation processes.
  4. Access to the sessions using the Firts Come/ First serverd methodology, through SITICI and the Computer Science teachers of the Communication Laboratories, who were asymptiating the students.
  5. Monitor, advise and facilitate links to URACCAN university students who had the connection conditions to apply to the evaluation process from their homes or their own equipment. This action was carried out by the DIE and Graduate Tracking.

Recruitment process agenda

The Coordinator of the Graduate Tracking area, MSc. Silvan Fagan, explained that the agenda of this job fair is divided into five moments. Once the student is provided with the link, the student starts with the presentation, questions and answers; then registers on a website; then take a grammar test (on Google Form); followed by this he demonstrates his typing skills through a typing exam; and finally, move on to interviews.

Throughout the process, applicants are technologically advised by URACCAN officials assigned to that noble task.

Experience lived in the Las Minas enclosure

Teacher Rosa Montenegro, coordinator of Education Sciences and Languages at the Las Minas campus, said that from an early hours students from URACCAN's first Specialized English Course have begun to arrive, with the determination to abtener these jobs, which represent an excellent opportunity for them.

The first Specialized English Course was funded by Telcor, through URACCAN and the Communications Infrastructure Improvement Program of the Caribbean Region (CARCIP), Montenegro explained.

According to the coordinator, work is under way on two shifts, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. In addition, graduates of the Specialized English Course and people interested in working at Call Centers participate, as the job fair is open.

Great participation of young people in the job fair at the Bilwi venue

The Licdo. Nilson Dumas, head of the Language Laboratory, said this job fair will benefit those young people who have had the opportunity to study English or who have As their mother tongue The English Kriol. "By fulfilling the entire process the company is doing through the Zoom platform, the people who apply, if they have the results the company asks for, could be hired and work as bilingual agents."

Dumas, who is an English teacher, reported that, in addition to the language, applicants must "have mastery of Microsoft Word, which has to do with Word and Excell, be able to write (on the computer) quickly, write at least 30 words per minute and handle email, because a lot of information is provided by that path."

For his part, the young Randy Jacobo, of the second year of the Bachelor's Degree in English, said that this is a great opportunity for young people who aspire to work. "My expectations are very high because it will help us many young people who are out of work and with this they can be exceeded," James said.

Evaluation processes and job interviews at URACCAN Bluefields

The MSc. Silvan Fagan, Follow-up Coordinator for Graduates of the Bluefields campus, stated that "we are promoting an opportunity for youth with knowledge in English and do not have a job, the option to apply to a position in which they will have a monthly salary, transportation and accommodation in the capital Managua".

Aisha Pressida, an English-mentioned student of Education Sciences, said: "For me this is a very important and essential opportunity to exercise the learning I have obtained, as it relates to my profession, which will allow me to develop better."

In addition, the young Oliver Martínez stated that this initiative to position young Costazes in the field of work is very important "since we are young people with many skills and talents and we can achieve it".

Development of the virtual labor fair in New Guinea

Master Juan Carlos Altamirano, teacher of the New Guinea precinct and responsible for CARCIP courses, this professional recruitment process responds to URACCAN's commitment to the community. "We are working as facilitators of a space and technology available to develop the ibEX company's campaign."

In this sense, Altamirano recalled that for a long time this study house has been preparing human talents in the English language. "As URACCAN, we are training many of our young people through the CARCIP-Nicaragua project and several of those young people who have been graduates of that project are participating in this employability fair."

For the Licda. Rosa Cadenas, aspiring to work at IBEX, here "demonstrate those capabilities that we have to communicate fluently through the English language, also the opportunity we have to qualify for different jobs through a second professional quality and skills in sales and customer service, which are part of those tools that URACCAN University has been supporting us by advertising job offers as well as the space to do interviews from here that prevent us from traveling in this pandemic context."

Following The Ideas of Cadenas, Emmanuel Moreno argues that this fair "is important because it helps to have a clearer view of the future and why it is necessary to learn English", adding that "through URACCAN university it is possible to make the process faster and easier".