Intercultural community accompaniment
By: Neylin Calderón
With the participation of Tuapi communities, URACCAN, through its Institute of Studies and Promotion of Autonomy (IEPA-URACCAN), in compliance with its commitment to accompaniment and intercultural community social advocacy, gave, to the new communal authorities of Tuapi, the Statute of Governance that they will implement in the next communal elections.
The URACCAN commission accompanied the entire process of making, presenting and delivering the document, in addition, with a cultural waste by the dance group of the URACCAN Leadership School and the dance group of the same community of Tuapi.
Good living in communities
During your intervention, the PhD. Enrique Cordón, vice-chancellor of the URACCAN Bilwi compound, congratulated the Community for having taken this important step in the ordering of communal governance, and remembrance of the first steps that took place in this process of articulation, "about 2 years ago, 3 people came to look for me at URACCAN (...) then they told me, Professor, we want you to join us in making the statutes of our community, just as Kamla did, we also want to have something to help us walk better," Cordón said.
In this regard, Cordón said that the university is reluctant to continue to accompany communities in these community advocacy processes, "this document is the way for you to walk orderly within your community (...) we only accompany them, but this document you did (...) this is a tool so that you can live better and be able to take advantage of all the resources you have," he said.
Recognition of the community
For his part, the new syndico of the Tuapi community, Cedrack Zacarías said that before they did not have a statute, but that thanks to the accompaniment of URACCAN they now have that tool that will order the community, "URACCAN supported us very much and we want him to support us in other projects," Zechariah added.
In addition, the community of Tuapi gave recognition to URACCAN for its laudable work in accompanying the indigenous communities of the Caribbean Coast, the recognition states: "The community of Tuapi provides certificate of appreciation and appreciation granted to the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN) for its contribution and accompaniment to the process of strengthening governance and the Good Living of the indigenous community of Tuapi".
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