URACCAN campus New Guinea accompanies and strengthens the processes of knowledge and intercultural doing

Infrastructure improvements in the venue library

By: Judith Robleto

URACCAN, in its university campus New Guinea works the process of strengthening in infrastructure improvement of the light library in the Jungle, from the territorial management and the support of rectory of this house of intercultural sueriores studios, making an investment for the replacement of roof and general maintenance of the structure.

This building was built since 2007 and has made an important contribution in the creation and recreation of knowledge, knowledge and practices of the university community, according to the teacher Bianeth Delgadillo, head of library of the enclosure "To date it already deserved to carry out maintenance or repair, since the roof was in poor condition and in winter time the water was filtered , which is detrimental to the bibliographic acquis we have," he said.

This space of knowledge concertation has been repaired thanks to the commitment of the authorities of this study house. Among the improvements, we highlight the refurbishment of the metal structure of the facade to fit two waters, equaling it to ceiling fall according to the rest of the building, reinstallation of false sky with textured plycem sheets and the reinstallation of electrical facade system.

The Data Library

The Library of Light in the Jungle offers 12 hours of daily public service, Monday to Sunday from 12 to 15 hours, and is attended by a library manager and three librarians belonging to the staff of the permanent staff of this study house. URACCAN libraries have bibliographic materials, including printed and digital books, documents, maps, audiovisual materials, monographs and thesis; in addition to access to 28 scientific databases with more than 150,000 full-text book titles and articles from scientific journals

Dr. Eugenio López, vice-chancellor of the university campus, highlighted the efforts made to improve the library. "It was essential because talking about our libraries is knowing that they provide a service and it is complete," he said.

In addition, the vice-chancellor noted that URACCAN libraries are "a space that allows information, self-care and that undoubtedly complements and contributes to the strengthening of activities aimed at the creation, recreation, dissemination and exchange of knowledge and knowledge," he added.

In this context, teacher Magda Martínez, administrator of the venue, commented that "At the end of 2019, we received the budget that allowed us to make the respective purchasing processes for minor contracts and law processes, to make improvements to the library building that we have in the enclosure," she explained.

The current location has greater luminosity, has an area of 540 square meters, and has 90 chairs with 15 tables, as part of the reading stations and 10 computers for Internet consultations, bibliographic bases or online catalogs.