Transport of URACCAN Bilwi, preventing coronavirus
Bilwi campus transportation units.
Neylin Calderon

Among the various institutional measures to prevent COVID-19, the URACCAN compound in Bilwi disinfects the buses they transport daily to the university community. This process takes place twice a day since government authorities announced the first positive coronavirus case.   

The vice-chancellor of the compound, PhD Enrique Cordón, assured that the university is a responsible institution that ensures the safety of its students. "We have implemented a number of preventive measures against coronavirus; one of the main ones, in addition to the handwashing that we have been informing students, is the cleaning of buses, we are disinfecting the 6 routes that we have," Cordón said.

This university campus is located 7.2 km from the city of Bilwi, properly in the miskita Kamla indigenous community, municipality of Puerto Cabezas, North Caribbean, which is why it is necessary to guarantee buses for the transfer of staff and students.  

"Every day we move between 400 and 500 people comprising the entire university community, among teachers, students and administrators, so it is our responsibility as an institution to ensure their safety; we continue to comply with the protocol of action that we have, which explains all the protection measures that we are implementing in URACCAN Bilwi enclosure," explained the vice-chancellor.