Teachers of URACCAN Bilwi campus receive first pedagogical training of the year 2021
Teacher training at URACCAN Bilwi campus
Teacher training at URACCAN Bilwi campus
Neylin Calderon

Updating Institutional Philosophy

Throughout the week, teachers from URACCAN Bilwi precinct participated in the first pedagogical training to strengthen, strengthen and update the knowledge and practices of the teaching-learning process, in order to contribute to a quality and relevant Intercultural Higher Education for the Caribbean population.

The topics addressed in the training were institutional philosophy, didactic planning, tools for the creation of digital resources, evaluation of learnings and the use of the virtual platform.

According to teacher Ivonne McLean, the campus's academic secretary, these trainings are part of the Institutional Life Plan strategies and are scheduled in the academic calendar.

McLean also explained that one of the most relevant topics in this training is the update in Institutional Philosophy, which has had some changes with the new Intercultural Plan of Institutional Life 2021-2030, "We are also seeing tools that have to do with the creation of digital resources, we have prioritized the issue of didactic planning; we have some new teachers, for them it's important that they know how we plan from URACCAN," he said.

Virtual Platform Readjustments

One of the new tools that have been frequently used in URACCAN has been the Virtual Platform. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, 90% of classes were received through virtuality, which is why teachers and the student community were trained to make greater use of it and thus avoid crowds in classrooms.

In 2021, the virtual platform was updated, "it has a new interface, it is always mounted on Moodle, which is a tool for the development of platforms, in that sense, we have defined developing these themes", explained the academic.

Importance of teaching training

For her part, teacher Glennis Escobar stated that these learning spaces are important because they allow us to have more tools for teaching-learning, "they serve us to have more knowledge, to have more materials to be able to share with our students in classrooms, also to help them, to show them the usefulness of these tools, which they too (students) must appropriate; it's important that we as teachers first learn these kinds of tools that are really new," he said.

In turn, Escobar highlighted the work that the university does in professionalizing teachers, "because URACCAN is also training us along with these technological advances, so that we can interact with our students", emphasized the teacher.

Finally, the teacher thanked the URACCAN because every year, she prepares teachers with new subjects, "and that is very valuable, and I must thank URACCAN very much for those elements that she is teaching us, every year things are changing so that education is of quality, so that's what the university is preparing us for," Escobar concluded.