Teacher training at URACCAN New Guinea

By: Greysi Pauth

In order to further strengthen the knowledge and skills of teachers, the second teacher training of the second semester is carried out at URACCAN New Guinea, with an active participation of more than 80 teachers.

These processes of training and strengthening the human talent of URACCAN reaffirm the commitment of the Intercultural Community University to promote equitable societies, on an equal footing and under processes of strengthening with identity.

With the motto "Creating and recreating knowledge, knowledge and practices in higher education for development with identity", one of the main points is to know about the regulations of form of completion of studies that is approved by the university board of URACCAN. This space of reflection and analysis is taking place from 15 to 18 July.

URACCAN, at 25 years, weaving interculturality with peoples, promotes good practices of horizontal dialogue, which allows reflection, unlearning, and relearning practices, wisdoms and knowledge that strengthen the being of the university community.