Strategy for educational continuity of the 1st academic semester 2020
Teachers scheduled and permanent of URACCAN campus New Guinea during the briefing.
Judith Robleto

URACCAN adopts per-match mode for all races

URACCAN is ensuring the educational continuity of the first half of the current year, through the implementation of the per-meeting modality for all races, which is based on Nicaragua's health protocol, which is resumed by the UNC and this institution, adapting it to the multi-ethnic context of the Caribbean Coast.

That is why, through an assembly with regular and permanent teachers from the New Guinea precinct, the educational strategy for the continuity of the first semester 2020 was unveiled. The teacher Consuelo Blandón, academic secretary of this campus, the strategy is "well perceived by the faculty and has, in addition, acceptance by the student", who has attended classes taking the prevention measures contemplated by this house of intercultural knowledge.

For the teacher Hanier Morales Pérez, a time teacher in the area of Technology, the implementation of the semi-presidential modality "is a good opportunity to make use of creativity as teachers; making use of didactic and innovative resources, looking for methodological strategies for virtual teaching".

Morales Pérez also highlighted the work that this study house does in order to prevent COVID-19, "being aware that the university is contributing to the prevention of this pandemic by taking the necessary measures, because in the end this is everyone's responsibility, this methodology of modality per meeting and the greater use of technology is important".

In the assembly, The teacher Oved Zeledón, coordinator of the area of Administrative Informatics, also presented the step by step of the modality per meeting for the different careers, as well as the procedures for the elaboration of learning guides by the teacher.

Through the meetings, teachers will be helped by the relevant technological tools, specifically from URACCAN's educational platform. Social media, telephony, text messages, among others, will be used only for communication between students and teachers.