Starts registration process for election candidates in URACCAN Las Minas venue
Registration of election candidates in URACCAN campus Las Minas
Registration of election candidates in URACCAN campus Las Minas
José Garth Medina

Fulfillment of the URACCAN 2021 election calendar

The PhD registration took place this morning. Angelica Leonor Ruiz Caderón, to participate in the electoral process to vice-chancellor of URACCAN campus Las Minas, in the electoral process URACCAN 2021-2026, fulfilling the mandate of the University Council of URACCAN (CUU), the Electoral Committee of URACCAN and the electoral regulations of this house of intercultural higher education.

Registration was made in the function-enabled room of the electoral committee on the premises, accompanied by the administrative staff and representation of the student and teacher guild of this university campus.

For his part, the Msc. Francisco Gutierrez, chairman of the electoral committee of the venue, explained that from today, from 8:00 a.m. to Friday at 8:00 p.m. nominations will be received for the positions of rectory, general vice-rectory and vice-rectory of venues.

In addition, Ing. Luis Herrera Siles, a member of the administrative guild, explained that the call of the electoral committee was fulfilled and the candidate was accompanied in her registration process. "We have mobilized with her to support this election process, which we hope will be high-level, we will demonstrate institutionality through a civic process," Herrera said.

URACCAN, from its regulations and its electoral regulations, establishes the procedures to be followed in the elections and from its different states it is ready to comply with everything that its election rules lay down, to be carried out in March 2021, as set out in the electoral calendar.