Rehabilitate and equip press area of the Communication Laboratory of the Las Minas enclosure
From left to right: rector of URACCAN, Dr. Alta Hooker; director of Radio URACCAN Siuna, MSc. Gilberto Artola; and vice-chancellor of the Las Minas, PhD compound. Leonor Ruiz Calderón.
Algiers Hernandez

In addition to making institutional work visible, in these spaces students of Intercultural Communication carry out their practices.

URACCAN continues to strengthen educational and intercultural communication processes on Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast. Therefore, thanks to the efforts of Vice-Rectory, in coordination with the Radio Directorate URACCAN Siuna and the unconditional support of Rectory, the press area of the Las Minas Campus Communication Laboratory was rehabilitated, on its Siuna campus, which was also equipped with new technological equipment.

"One of the areas that we have been working in the midst of challenges, but with great appreciation, is the area of intercultural communication, so the main objective is to strengthen them with the provision of teams, since they are the internship laboratories of the students of Intercultural Communication," said the excellent rector, Dr. Alta Hooker Blandford.

For her part, the vice-chancellor of the Las Minas campus, PhD. Angelica Leonor Ruiz Calderón, noted that "with institutional development funds we have made the investment of 220 thousand córdobas in the purchase of new equipment and improvement in some areas of communication laboratory on the Siuna campus".

In the improvement and acquisition of equipment was delivered: a press area with 4 cubicles, 4 executive chairs, 1 air conditioning, 1 Nikon camera lens, 1 camera LED, 2 lapel microphones, 2 tripods, 3 cell phone mounts, enabling hygienic services and kitchen area, and a Yamaha 125 motorcycle.

La PhD. Ruiz Calderón stated that "the delivery of these teams comes to strengthen the work from our intercultural community radios and above all to strengthen the work that communicators have been doing in the visibility of the work of the university and the good life of the peoples of the Caribbean Coast".

For Jindriska Mayorga, intercultural communicator, "the incorporation of new communication equipment for Radio Uraccan Siuna certainly comes to significantly improve the work we do from the press area, this implies more commitment to our audience that is always pending that we do quality work".

Strengthen communication laboratories in enclosures and extensions

URACCAN has four communication laboratories and an intercultural community channel. "The laboratories are community radios and we have in the municipality of Rosita, Waspam, Bluefields, Siuna, as well as a community channel in Bilwi, Puerto Cabezas," Dr Hooker explained.

According to the rector, the idea is to strengthen them with the delivery of new equipment. "In the case of Waspam, the tower will be augmented for greater coverage, general maintenance and staff integration into Bluefields radio and delivery of communication equipment in Siuna's lab," Dr Hooker said.

"The area of intercultural communication fills us with pride, they are the ones that strengthen the institution with its outreach work, they also articulate, design and above all carry out their own research for the contribution of communication," concluded the rector of URACCAN.