IREMADES Reflections on World Environment Day
Kriol child of the Corn River community (Indian Corn). Photo courtesy of Michiel Van Noppen. Rama and Kriol Territory, 2019.  
Josselyn Flores

Reflection on natural resources and life

As part of World Environment Day, today 05 June, from the Institute of Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development (IREMADES) of URACCAN Bluefields, it reflected on the role of peoples originating in the Autonomous Regions in the preservation of natural resources and in how to deal with current health and environmental crises.

It should be noted that, this year, the central theme of this valuable commemoration is Biodiversity, under the motto "For Nature". For this reason, this House of Intercultural Higher Studies joined the reflections on the role that natural resources play for human life and ecosystems.

Actions of indigenous peoples in biodiversity conservation

The IREMADES team at Bluefields expressed URACCAN's feeling, ensuring that local action from territories and communities is critical to addressing today's environmental and health crises.

Teacher Xiomara Treminio stated that "we know and promote the values of biodiversity to maintain the balance of the planet. It is biodiversity and services provided to us by nature that have kept us alive as a species; knowing how to drive and work with nature is essential to continue enjoying clean air, clean water, food and well-being."

"Breaks in the balances of all chains within nature will continue to unseat crises in humanity. An example of this is the current pandemic. Scientists have warned that 75% of new diseases affecting humans come from animals (zoonosis)."

"Therefore, in order to meet the current challenges to climate change, avoid the emergence of new pandemics and maintain the balance of the planet, we invite all sectors of society to join actions for biodiversity conservation."

"In our Autonomous Regions this translates into Community action; promoting and joining local initiatives with indigenous and Afro-descendant territories that have been able to use nature for centuries should be a priority to help maintain the balance of the land. Let us all join in co-existing with Nature," the team of environmentalists at IREMADES reflected.