Monographic thesis defense at Bilwi
By: Neylin Calderón
URACCAN, in its processes of transformation and academic training with relevance and quality, walking under the knowledge of interculturalization, creating spaces where each student can realize his monographic defenses in his mother tongues, continues to weaving interculturality through 25 years of institutional and community work.
In this context, English-mentioned social sciences student Luvern Moose defended her monographic thesis called "Factors that hinder third year administration students in learning English", based on the "Factors that make learning English difficult for third-year students in administration" at the Bilwi campus.
Mosse was very grateful to URACCAN for contributing to her academic training, and confirmed the commitment of the first Intercultural Community University in accompanying autonomy and respect for cultural diversity, maintaining mother tongues in classrooms, monographic defenses and conducting research.
It should be mentioned that Mosse's research was written and defended in English, as the career in which he was professionalizing, in addition to being part of the Afro-descendant peoples of the municipality of Bilwi, the jury was made up of the English teachers, Mr. Nilson Dumas, Mr. Alexis Jesus and Mr. Doris Bush, who deliberated that Mosse is now a Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences with mention in English.
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