Review of the regulations of the contest

By: Neylin Calderón

In the framework of the celebration of the 25 years of the Intercultural Community University, URACCAN, in all university campuses a beauty contest is held to crown the Miss and Mister URACCAN, that is why in the Bilwi venue a special commission was formed for the realization of a regulation that includes each of the requirements to participate in that event.

The commission is composed of Jehú Castro, president of the student government; civil engineering student Tiara Valeska Paiz; Teysi Allen, representative of the teaching guild; Ivania Padilla, representative of the administrative guild; Ada Rodríguez, student welfare coordinator and William Orozco, president of the civil engineering career.

On the rules

Among the recitals reflected in the proposal for such legislation is "That it is necessary to develop and approve a rules of choice of Miss and Mister URACCAN Bilwi, clearly establishing their requirements, rights, duties and administrative procedures in the event of faults committed within the university community URACCAN Bilwi, and in particular, to make clear the responsibilities they acquire in front of the members of the juries of the contest and members of the Miss and Mister pageant," referring to potential candidates.

ContestIn addition, the regulations mention a number of requirements to be part of the guild of candidates for the beauty pageant that will be held on October 26 of the current, among the requirements is the presentation of current id or student card, current registration sheet, not being in a state of pregnancy (for safety reasons) , from age 16 to older, if you are a minor, submit a letter of authorization from your guardians and, of course, have read and become aware of the content of the contest's regulations.

The main objective of this regulation is to avoid verbally, physically or psychologically assaulting your colleagues or colleagues who are participating in the contest, in addition to avoiding bullying or performing any kind of harassment, discrimination, racism or misunderstandings that may occur throughout the period directed at such event.

Committed to mutual respect

URACCAN, being the first Intercultural Community University of Latin America promotes values, principles of equality, respect for the integrity of people regardless of whether it is indigenous, Afro-descendant or mestiza, as well as training professionals with humanist attitudes and being true carriers of a value system that corresponds to a new model of intercultural citizens, of deep respect for the various identities and cultures.