Articulated work session

By: Neylin Calderón

As part of the celebration of the XXV Anniversary of the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN), a team, led by Dr. Alta Hooker Blandford, rector of this institution, is visiting the URACCAN Bilwi campus, to realize the Plan of Activities, which will take place in October of this year, at the central event of the 25 years of this soul.

Among the main topics addressed in the working session was the formation of internal commissions that will be in charge of serving approximately 400 guest people, between nationals and internationals, who will give way to commemorate the XXV Anniversary of the first Intercultural Community University of Latin America.

Activities to be carried out in October

At the Bilwi venue, the central activities of this celebration will begin with the Festival of Chariot, to be held on October 25, then on Saturday 26 will be held the Miss Beauty Contest and Mister URACCAN Bilwi, then on October 27 and 28 will be released to the master's thesis defense event in Cosmovisiones del Buen Vivir/Vivir Bien with emphasis on Climate Change.

SessionIt will also continue, on 28 and 29, with the Regional Forum of the Ecosystem Project, in the same way the II Regional Day against Discrimination, Violence and Intolerance; Simultaneously the Session of the National Council of Universities (UNC) and Session of the Network of Indigenous, Intercultural and Community Universities of Abya Yala (RUIICAY) will be held.

Similarly, on October 29, she began the central event with a spiritual ceremony and countless presentations led by Dr. Ramona Rodríguez, president of the National Council of Universities (UNC); Msc. Luis Fernando Sarango, representative of RUIICAY; Msc. Carlos Alemán, coordinator of the Regional Government (GRACCN) and Dr. Alta Hooker, rector of URACCAN and coordinator of RUIICAY, with her presentation called; "25 years contributing to the Good Living of indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, "Weaving Interculturality with Peoples".

The celebration will continue on Wednesday, October 30, "Day of Autonomy", with panels and themed tables made up of directors and directors of the institutes, centers and areas of the URACCAN, simultaneously there will be other types of activities that will make visible the work of the university, among them, book fairs, gastronomic and crafts fair, dissemination of the academic offer 2020, and the 31 will be held the graduation of more than 200 professionals of the Bilwi venue.

Contributing to Good Living/Living Well

At 25 years, URACCAN continues to walk through the regional processes, providing with a quality intercultural education, relevant to indigenous, Afro-descendant and mixed-race peoples, creating spaces of Good Living/Living Well, respecting the knowledge, facts and feelings of the territories, as well as strengthening the effective exercise of the right of peoples, accompanying them with social political impact in all the various contexts of the Caribbean Coast.