Plan improvements to university residency for the benefit of in-house scholarships
The Coordinator of Occupational Hygiene and Safety, Ing. Katherine Flores, with the inspector of internal scholarships, Licda. Leydi Kelly.
Josselyn Flores

URACCAN works according to the safety of the university community.

URACCAN Student Welfare in the Bluefields campus continues to carry out actions to care for the internal student, so it is coordinating with the area of Occupational Hygiene and Safety the elaboration of a document that collects the improvements required by the surrounding university residence, and then executes a response plan for the benefit of young fellows.

This document is worked by engineer Katherine Flores, Occupational Hygiene and Safety Technician, and the Licda. Leydi Kelly, inspector of the in-house students.

In this regard, Ing. Katherine Flores explains that this initiative is taken in the winter season, to prevent seasonal diseases and to deal with the pandemic. "We are making this plan with the aim of preventing vector diseases, including dengue and malaria, this winter season is when they spread rapidly," she said.

In this context, she adds the Hygiene and Safety Coordinator, "in the report we are detailing findings identified as risks to students and in this way give way to corrective actions, for these to be remediated and create a healthy environment for young inmates".

"As Student Welfare we work on the safety of the university community." For this reason, he assured the Licda. Leydi Kelly, "we are working to comply with URACCAN's care protocol, safeguarding our students, these actions are to ensure hygiene and health around the dormitories."

Other preventive actions

"Fulfilling the accompaniment to students, it has been coordinated: elimination of stilt hatcheries, fumigation and disinfection days, as well as general cleanings of the dormitories, all with the active participation of young university students," the inspector of the inmates concluded.