They replicate teacher training in Waslala university extension
Main entrance of the URACCAN extension in Waslala.
José Garth Medina

This activity focused on teaching accompaniment to studying through technological resources.

A replica of the training to permanent and time teaching staff was carried out in the Waslala extension, with the aim of providing technological tools that complement the use of the URACCAN virtual platform, reinforcing knowledge and skills on online course management and learning activity management.

The Rosidani Molina master's degree, coordinator of the extension, said that the training was totally practical: each of the tools was presented and, subsequently, each teacher, guided by the facilitator, practiced and tested the tools; with the development of this activity, teachers developed skills for the creation of activities within the virtual environment, which allow the student to understand and appropriate learning resources.  

Angela López, academic manager of URACCAN Waslala, explained that the topics that were addressed were: virtual platform and Google tools, such as Gmail email, Meet, Classroom, Drive, Jamboard.

López also detailed that other complementary tools were taught, such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, as well as access and navigation on the virtual platform, chat between teachers and students, site languages, edit user profile, change emails, add image.

Other important topics taught were: the overall structure of the platform and, in a virtual course, course management, course editing mode, blocks, navigation, administration, content, content creation and resources such as tags, books, pages, URLs, folders, files.

The academic manager said they also saw activities such as chat, lesson, quizzes, forums, glossaries, workshops, assignments, course user enrollment, grade management, settings, exporting, and editing grades.

The extension coordinator, Rosidani Molina, stated that the training was successfully completed, achieving the objective set.

Waslala is one of the municipalities of the North Caribbean Coast. URACCAN, as part of its Mission, trains the human talent of the Autonomous Regions, so it opened an extension in this municipality, to bring higher education and thus contribute to local development.