Participation of various educational careers
By: Neylin Calderón
The URACCAN Center for Innovation and Intercultural Community Entrepreneurship "Slilma" at the Bilwi venue opened the fourth season of open innovation with the participation of 3 groups composed of 7 students from various careers of this university campus.
According to the master's degree Heidy Forbes, coordinator of the Center for Innovation and Intercultural Community Entrepreneurship, the participants belong to the civil engineering, agroforestry, systems and bachelor's degree in administrative computer science, who will be responsible for fulfilling challenges that they will bring in the search for solutions to social problems of the municipality of Puerto Cabezas.
On the challenges to be met
Forbes said, "we have challenges about malaria prevention in adolescents, about creativity and creation of organic dumpsters, about preventing violence in girls, which is a challenge from the Center for Multi-Ethnic Women's Studies and Information (CEIMM-URACCAN) and we have challenges in creating a platform that allows graduate students to present their skills and profession to apply their skills" The coordinator said.
Expectations of the participants in the season
Systems Engineering Student Yader Mejía Campbell, said this is the second time he has participated in an open innovation season, "I feel great because in the first season we developed an application, we haven't finished it yet because it's in progress, but it's very good, because I've learned, apart from making applications to work as a team , meet other people, new knowledge and has also filled me with other experiences," Ms. Mejía said.
For his part, Cristhopher de Jesús Espinoza Gamboa, a student of the third year of Systems Engineering, emphasized that participating in this season of innovation achieves a very interesting experience, "this can serve us for future days, they are a reason to obtain experiences, because when we finish the profession and maybe there is no work we can innovate and make our own ventures", highlighted the student.
I Innovation Congress proposed by June 2020
Finally, Teacher Forbes reported that URACCAN's Intercultural Community Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Slilma Center for Innovation and Intercultural Community Entrepreneurship, and the Caribbean Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (Carcip) will hold the first innovation conference scheduled to take place next June at the Las Minas campus " during the season students will have the opportunity to participate in the first innovation conference to be held in the municipality of Siuna," he said.
In addition, he emphasized that the participants in that congress would dialogue in the, "open innovation workshops, on entrepreneurship, startop that are the first steps to undertake, so students will have the opportunity to present their ideas that were developed in previous seasons", concluded Forbes.
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