UNESCO Chair: Promoting Diversity from Interculturality

By: José Garth Medina

The UNESCO Chair, organized by URACCAN, aims to promote diversity and wealth of peoples, focused on weaving interculturality and promoting new and larger spaces of sharing and dialogue on an equal footing, where all and all can be part of the processes of development with identity.

During the inaugural event of the UNESCO Chair, Knowledge and Wisdom of Peoples, organized by URACCAN, the Ph.D. Leonor Ruiz Calderón, vice-chancellor of URACCAN Las Minas, detailed that the chair is held within the framework of the 25th anniversary of URACCAN and in this sense welcomed the municipal and departmental authorities, emphasizing the importance of the master conference given by Dr. Francisco Antonio Tamarit.

These spaces are the result of a United Nations (UN) initiative for Education, Science and Culture, which aims to advance and improve the development of higher education research, training and development programmes, through the construction of university networks and the promotion of inter-university cooperation to promote cultural diversity.

Contributions to the interculturality of peoples

In addition, the vice-chancellor stated that this chair means a space to create and recreate the knowledge and knowledge of the peoples, so URACCAN was chosen to organize this space, taking into account the contribution of this study house to the population of the Caribbean Coast, the country and Abya Yala, in the interculturalization of higher education.

"It is an honor for us and us to share this precious moment that strengthens our model of Intercultural Community University, the reference of wisdoms and knowledge as part of a social fabric that is linked to the people, energizing the multicultural and multicultural context in the region, the country and Latin America, generating spaces of exchange for reflection consensus and peace", said Vice-Chancellor Ruiz.

The academic detailed that the wisdom and knowledge of peoples are part of the wealth that different cultures have, and are an intrinsic heritage of humanity, and through them worldviews, meanings, different ways of seeing and thinking about life are shared. He added that URACCAN's institutional project responds to these aspirations of the original Peoples, Afro-descendants and half-breeds for enjoying a model built from socio-cultural bases.

URACCAN for the peoples

"Precisely institutional philosophy is aimed at revitalizing, promoting and strengthening the exercise of collective rights, inequities, worldviews, spiritualities and forms of organization culture systems of knowledge and practices," she said.

This chair is dreamed of as that space where the Wisdoms and Knowledge of Peoples can be visible, as the main essence in the construction of bridges of interculturality, as well as for events, actions and activities aimed at strengthening the identities and cultures of our peoples and advancing the implementation of the action plan of the Regional Conference of Higher Education (CRES 2018).

Finally, Professor Ruiz assured that by looking back to see the vision picture of achievements, the courageous and visionary spirit of all the people who have made possible the reality of an Intercultural Community University, it is evident that they have involved countless efforts to weave knowledge and knowledge, in such a way that the fabric of a better life is developed.

"Our deep gratitude for accompanying us in this space and being part of our walk as an Intercultural Community University in these 25 years, once again welcome and welcome, hoping that this meeting will be full of reflections and thoughts and will lead us on the walk to continue strengthening the model of Intercultural Community University for the common good and the good life of our indigenous Afro-descendant peoples , miskitos and half-breeds of the Caribbean Coast" concluded.