Working session against discrimination and violence
Vice-Chancellor and Commission on the Elimination of Discrimination, Gender-Based Violence and Other Related Intolerance.
Josselyn Flores

A working session between the Vice-Chancellor's Office and the Commission on the Elimination of Discrimination, Gender-Based Violence and Other Related Intolerance was held on the URACCAN Bluefields campus to accompany and follow up on the work of this institutional commission.

Agenda items addressed the attention this commission provides to the university community in possible situations of violence. For this purpose there is an interdisciplinary team, where various professionals are found, as psychologists who carry cases with total confidentiality.

In the course of the session, the quarterly report was presented, containing the work that this committee did during that period, as well as the dissemination in the different student assemblies held at the beginning of the academic year.

According to teacher Antonia McCoy, coordinator of CEIMM Bluefields and member of the commission: "As an agenda item we had the evaluation of the monthly plan in March; similarly, develop the April monthly plan and consolidate the quarterly report; the meeting had six members of this committee, who worked on these agenda items; the meetings of this committee will be held on a monthly basis, to carry out these activities of evaluation and elaboration of plans of the following month, such as the consolidation of the reports."

The report obtained is being reviewed for further report to the University Council of Campus (CUR), which is the decision-making body in the territory. "This is going to be presented at the April CUR, to inform the authorities of the commission's work within the university community," McCoy concluded.