IREMADES and ENACAL train leaders and leaders on the Wildlife Monitoring Plan
These workshops will be held in four face-to-face modules that will last four months.
Neylin Calderon

10 neighborhoods and 4 communities of Puerto Cabezas participate.

Bilwi tawanka wina 10 dakni nani bara tawan sirpi 4 uplika nani smalkanka ba breeze.

URACCAN through the Institute of Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development (IREMADES-URACCAN) of the Bilwi campus, in coordination with the Nicaraguan Aqueduct and Sewerage Company (ENACAL), they hold community workshops with leaders from 10 neighborhoods in the city of Bilwi, and the communities Lamlaya, Tuapi, Yulu Tigni and Kamla on the Wildlife Monitoring Plan of the Environmental and Social Management Program of the Potable Water Project of the city of Bilwi-Puerto Cabezas.

According to Master Lenin Green, coordinator of IREMADES at the Bilwi compound, these workshops are held under the local capacity building component, "in this component we have two important sub-activities, which is related to the diploma and we are currently developing the community workshops, which is focused on the sustainability of the micro-water of the Likus River".

Four modules of the community workshop

Green also stated that this first meeting will address the module "Conceptual watershed bases", where each of the participants will be developing a mapping "on the conditions and problems they are facing in one of the watersheds, but above all focus on 10 years what their perspective is and what they want to do on watershed management issues" , explained the coordinator.

Finally, the teacher said that these workshops will be held in four face-to-face modules that will last four months, and are also being carried out in 3 different sectors, both the municipality of Puerto Cabezas and Waspam. "A first sector where the upper Part of the Likus River is located, practically entering the communities of Wangki Twi Tasba Raya Territory, a second block in Singsing involving communities surrounding the community, and this third block is focused on the bilwi town part," Lenin Green concluded.

It should be mentioned that the four modules are complemented by the following topics: Conceptual bases of watersheds, physical complex of basin and precipitation, characterization, diagnosis and baseline of basin, and finally territorial ordering with watershed approach, in total are participating about 80 leaders and leaders in the three sectors mentioned above.