Arduous participation in URACCAN Bilwi

By: Neylin Calderón

As a way to incentivize the university community, URACCAN promotes language projection activities that help the development and communication practice in another language, that is why the third festival of English linguistic talents was held in the Bilwi venue, in addition to being part of the activities in the framework of the celebration of the XXV Anniversary of the first Intercultural Community University of Latin America.

With the participation of 15 groups from the various URACCAN races at the Bilwi venue, the festival was held, with songs, dances, poems, dramas and much more. According to teacher Ivania Simons, coordinator of the area of Education Sciences, the main objective of doing these activities has as its main objective "incentivize, raise that motivation towards English", she also stated that "the URACCAN in 25 years has been the best project for our region", he said.

For his part, Dr Enrique Cordón, vice-chancellor of the URACCAN Bilwi campus, added that bilingual education spaces are promoted from the university because that means they will have better opportunities in the field of work, "the world is changing, the whole education system is changing and in this sense learning English has become a priority and an obligation," he concluded.