Harmony for the conservation of the Pachamama

By: José Garth Medina

As part of the forest connectivity project between Honduras and Nicaragua for habitat conservation of two migratory bird species in the Bosawas Biosphere Protected Area, URACCAN, in coordination with the American Nonprofit Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and American Bird Conservancy, planted more than 7,000 trees in buffer zones of the Reserve.

This activity is carried out with the aim of promoting forest connectivity with indigenous territories for the protection and conservation of migratory birds and wild animals in the Caribbean of Nicaragua, in addition the process of intercultural community extension was carried out with 21 producers of Cerro Saslaya National Park in order to protect Mother Earth and the Good Life of Peoples in the Mining Triangle.

In this regard, Ph.D. Leonor Ruiz Calderón, vice-chancellor of URACCAN at las Minas venue, in her exhibition before a team from the Wildlife Conservation Society and American Bird Conservacy, explained that URACCAN, "As part of the project we are serving 21 producers in the buffer zone of the Bosawas Reserve in Siuna, in Cerro Saslaya National Park and the communities of Rancho Alegre , Anthill, Santo Domingo and El Carao, where we have served 190 blocks of forests," he said.

Strategies to protect Mother Earth

In addition, Dr. Ruiz Calderón, said that four training workshops were held, on the topics of agroforestry system with cocoa and silvopastoral systems, also noted that three accompanying tours were held that aimed to give technical follow-up to cocoa plantations, of these strategies are being implemented two model farms with the aforementioned systems, one of them will be the Natural Laboratory Los Laureles of URACCAN , located in the El Hormiguero community, in Siuna.

Visit to Los Laureles Natural Laboratory

For their part, Fabricio Díaz and Jhon Hannes of WSC and Andrew Rothman of American Bird Conservancy, visited this Tuesday, January 21, the Los Laureles Natural Laboratory to learn about the strategies implemented from the silvopastoral systems that are carried out in this model estate and then they will be on the Cosme Palma estate.