Puerto Cabezas and Waspam institutions participate

By: Neylin Calderón

The University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN) in coordination with the Regional Government and the National System for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Care (Sinapred), initiated a diploma in Risk and Disaster Reduction Management with municipal and regional institutions, with the aim of strengthening the capacities of the authorities in order to initiate processes for the review of disaster response plans.

According to the master's degree Carlos Alemán, coordinator of the Autonomous Regional Government of the North Caribbean Coast (GRACCN), this course is being taught in all the municipalities of the country, "it will start with the Caribbean Coast, both here in Bilwi and In Siuna, preparing us for the first multi-threat exercise that is March 21, also thinking about the season of Holy Week , the dry period, the theme of monitoring forest fires and the entire rainy season," he said.

German also said that the idea is to "strengthen the technical capabilities of the Regional Committees for Disaster Prevention and Care of the North Caribbean (Corepred) and each of the Municipal Committees for Disaster Prevention and Care (Comupred)," he said. It should be mentioned that this diploma will last 3 weeks which includes the face-to-face and virtual modality.

URACCAN Certified

In this context, the Lenin Green Master's Degree, coordinator of the Institute of Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development (IREMADES), stated that the university as an academic body will be responsible for certifying the diploma, through "a consortium that was signed the Sinapred to develop thematic content related to risk management focused on strengthening our capacities", he said.

Thematics in diploma

José Dolores Morales, representative of the response training directorate to the National System for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Care (Sinapred), said that there is a representation of 25 participants from the different state institutions of Waspam and Puerto Cabezas, "this diploma has 8 modules that has to do in principle with the classification of the different risks that is taken in the territory , the institutional roles to be played in an emergency situation," Morales said.

It is important to mention that this diploma will not only be based on theories, but that field activities were carried out, as Morales explained, "it will create tools that can be useful to the territory, to the university, it is a technical work, specialized scientist that colleagues will do as part of their thesis of the course", emphasized the facilitator.

Articulated participations to prevent disasters

While Dr. Ivania López, advisor to the Regional Committee for Disaster Prevention and Care of the North Caribbean (Corepred), stressed that this diploma is carried out "as part of the Sinapred's national work plan that through this course wants to build capacities in the territories for disaster care, those involved are members of the Comupred and Corepred" Said.

URACCAN participates in the coordination of the Institute of Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development (IREMADES-URACCAN), the area of Planning, Hygiene and Safety and the coordination of the area of Science, Technology and Environment.