Develop Technology and Innovation Fair at URACCAN Rosita extension
The university students celebrated the 26th Anniversary of URACCAN and the 33rd anniversary of the Statute of Autonomy.
Maicol Lagos

URACCAN fosters a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among its students.

In URACCAN extension Rosita was held an important Technological and Innovation Fair, where students exhibited their creative work and made murals in greeting the 26th anniversary of this institution of higher education and the 33 years of Regional Autonomy.

The coordinator of the Rosita extension, MSc. Yaneth Sevilla welcomed the student community, congratulating its innovative proposals and creativity to celebrate these important commemorative dates.  

Teacher Judith Colindres assured that the participation of students in this fair is of great importance, so that they gain experience in topics of innovation and entrepreneurship, which is part of the culture that URACCAN promotes.

Similarly, Professor Franklin Gonzales mentioned the great work that university students have done in their technological presentations, who also shared their experiences lived in this house of study, particularly at this fair.

Finally, teacher Yaneth Sevilla successfully valued the working day, in which the university students put all their efforts and mentioned that, for the success of this activity, teaching strategies adapted to the context of the Covid-19 pandemic were used.