Spaces to share knowledge
By: Neylin Calderón
Students of the Master's Degree in Cosmovisions of Good Living/Living Well with an emphasis on climate change, complementarity and equity, began with the defense of thesis to complete their curriculum, this last meeting is taking place in URACCAN Bilwi enclosure, these teachers are from countries such as Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia and Nicaragua.
Teacher Letisia Castillo, academic director of URACCAN told teachers that this is a space to share, "it is also a space where we could recreate and create new knowledge, knowledge and practices," she said, "it should be noted that this master's degree is part of the joint processes of the Abya Yala Network of Intercultural Indigenous University (RUIICAY).
Creating and recreating interculturality
This activity began with two thesis defenses, in the first instance the Colombian student Jesús Alexis Avirama presented his research "Indigenous spirituality and youth of the shelter of Paletara, Municipality of Purace", having as a jury the teacher Libio Palechor, teacher Serafina Espinoza and the graduate Denis Peralta.
In addition, the research was presented by the Argentine student Carlos Ubaldo Castañon exposing "The relationship with flames and vicuñas: The reciprocal breeding: Practices and knowledge of Indigenous Peoples in the Province of Jujuy (Kollasuyu-Argentina)", having as a jury the teacher Luis Fernando Sarango, teacher Marcia Mandepora and the engineer Noé Guadamuz.
During the development of this defense program, ten students from different countries will have the opportunity to present each of their research carried out from their own territories and focused on the worldviews and the Good Living of the peoples of Abya Yala.
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