Cleaning and disinfection day at URACCAN Bluefields enclosure
MINSA staff in spraying to prevent viral diseases.
Josselyn Flores

Inter-agency coordination to promote health

URACCAN continues its commitment to addressing the spread of COVID-19. For this reason, in its four enclosures and extensions health measures are constantly practiced in coordination with the Ministry of Health (MINSA). At the Bluefields campus, extreme cleaning and disinfection was done this morning by MINSA staff.

The Licda. Katherine Flores, head of Occupational Hygiene and Safety at the compound, said that "we are taking action, taking into account preventive measures to counter the pandemic within the university. Among these actions we coordinate the disinfection of all areas with water and chlorine."

The civil service company explained that this is done with the purpose of ensuring the well-being of students and staff of the university, so that "our peers and the student feel safe being present in the premises performing their proper work".

The disinfection coordinated with MINSA is intended to be carried out once a week, the head of Hygiene and Safety said.

Other institutional measures

In addition to the disinfection days promoted by the university, the staff working in this institution personally disinfect their areas of work, being a preventive measure that reduces the risks of viral diseases and the same pandemic.

"We are promoting among the same officials of the venue, who from their offices can do this activity and disinfect their work area as a preventive measure, guaranteeing their own well-being and health. We know that this is a co-responsibility, take care of myself and also take care of others," Flores concluded.