Training of polling station members at URACCAN Bilwi venue and Waspam extension are completed
Training of URACCAN 2021 polling station members
Training of URACCAN 2021 polling station members
Neylin Calderon

Meeting the election calendar

In compliance with regulations and the institutional electoral calendar, the URACCAN Electoral Committee provided the respective accompaniment and training to members of the Bilwi and Waspam polling stations.

The training was carried out by Dr. Mercedes Tinoco, chair of the electoral committee of the venue and Dr. Fernando Saavedra, legal advisor of URACCAN, who made known the entire normative framework of the electoral process in a theoretical and practical way, so that each member could clarify the various doubts that arose.

The training involves members of the administrative, teaching and student guilds, between owners and alternates, who will be in charge of polling stations, in the process of institutional voting from 12 to 14 March 2021.

Particularities in the Bilwi enclosure

According to teacher Tinoco, there will be three polling stations that will be operational in the voting process, two are from the Bilwi venue and one in the Waspam extension.

Among the themes to consider is the multi-title that is presented in the enclosure and the extension, in view of this, Tinoco explained that "one of the peculiarities is that we have to move a table to Waspam, it is not the same to install the tables only in the enclosure, the other thing is that we have to take into account the protocol before the Covid-19 as well as the language," he said.