Bluefields Campus Educational Community Hikes in Homage to URACCAN's 26 Years and 33 Regional Autonomy
Even the rain didn't stop this important celebration, which fills the URACCAN university community with pride.
Josselyn Flores

Commemorating URACCAN's 26-year founding

Accompanied by the authorities of URACCAN Bluefields campus, students of all careers began a tour of the main streets of this Caribbean city, in homage to the 33 years of the Statute of Regional Autonomy and the 26th Anniversary of the founding of the first intercultural community university in Latin America.

Despite the rain, the university students and staff of this educational community did not help but celebrate with enthusiasm and joy these commemorative dates that are evidence of the tireless struggle to contribute to the strengthening of the autonomy of the Autonomous Regions of the Caribbean Coast.

Organizing commemorative activities

With the flags of Autonomy, URACCAN and Nicaragua, the best students in the campus led the march, followed by the University Council, composed of the institutional authorities. With the shield and large letters under the name URACCAN, the group of students toured the streets of Bluefields with rhythmic bands and floats adorned with the colors green, yellow and blue, representing this house of intercultural higher education.

To continue the celebration, in Reyes de Bluefields park, activities have been prepared, with the opening words of the teacher Diala López, vice-chancellor of this campus, followed by the presentation of the dance group that gives enhance to the university events.

It should be noted that this march is part of the activities in commemoration of these important dates and started on October 10 from New Guinea with the opening of the sports games that will bring together the entire student population of the four venues and extensions.

The pride of celebrating with different activities is the feeling of all and all that this university is the daughter of autonomy, expressed the student of Intercultural Communication, Edelmari Murillo.