URACCAN Electoral Committee Makes Provisional Proclamation of Candidates for Institutional Elections
Provisional Proclamation of Candidates for Institutional Elections
Provisional Proclamation of Candidates for Institutional Elections
Dara Contreras

Strengthening institutionality through participation in peace and harmony

Within the framework of the institutional elections 2021-2026 of this house of intercultural higher education studies, and complying with the provisions of the Electoral Regulations and the Statutes of URACCAN, the Electoral Committee of URACCAN held a Press Conference for the Provisional Proclamation of Candidates and Candidates nominated for the positions of Rectory, Vice-General and Vice-Chancellors of Venues.

The conference was held from the URACCAN Liaison Office and was moderated by the MSc. Bernardine Dixón, director of the Center for Multi-Ethnic Women's Studies and Information (CEIMM-URACCAN) and chair of the Electoral Committee, who released the names of candidates for these elections 2021-2026, citing the official communiqué she issues as follows:

First. To qualify for rectory position:

Alta Suzzane Hooker Blanford.

Second. To qualify for the post of Vice-Chancellor-General:

Yuri Hamed Zapata Weeb

Third. To qualify for the position of Vice-Chancellor of the Bilwi venue:

Enrique Pastor Cordon Surez.

Room. To take over as Vice-Chancellor of the Las Minas venue:

Anglican Leonor Ruiz Calderon.

Efrain by Jesus Peralta Third.

Fifth. To qualify for the position of Vice-Chancellor of the Bluefields venue:

Heidi Marizel Guillén Romero

Jean Paul Meza Acevedo

Sixth. To qualify for the position of Vice-Chancellor of New Guinea Campus:

Eugenio Casimiro López Mairena.

Such candidates, in accordance with the MSc. Dixon, they meet each of the requirements set out in the Electoral Regulations, to apply. He also emphasized that "the process that continues now is that we are open to claims, if they are unhappy about some things," he explained, adding that a span of about two days is being established for reviewing any concerns. Reaffirming the commitment to develop a process of institutional elections in harmony and respect, where all parties involved take advantage of their spaces of participation.

In the same sense, the chair of the Electoral Committee urges candidates to live these elections in a responsible way, always prioritizing the vision of strengthening the development of the community institutional model and the autonomy of peoples.