Photo courtesy URACCAN
The National Council of Universities (UNC), the governing body of Nicaraguan Higher Education, meeting in permanent session to address the situation of Covid-19 in Nicaragua and the development of the academic life of our Universities, agrees:
1. Continue to effectively provide the model of community and family health developed by the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity (GRUN), which has been effective in containing Covid-19 in Nicaragua. Our contribution to this social and national effort is from an active, supportive and creative option, making available to our people and Government the resources and capacities that our universities have to fight the effects of Covid-19.
2. Promote the active presence of our university community in the academic life of different universities; in this regard, we call on all students from the different UNC universities to reintegrate into normal activities in our study houses from next Monday, April 20, 2020 or as set by each university in their academic calendar.
3. Our students are at the heart of our active presence in the life of the country, and as such, we will promote efforts and strategies for the development of learning processes in different shifts and modalities. Parents should be confident that we will do so for the benefit of all families and communities.
4. Continue to promote the prevention measures contained in our country's health protocol, with confidence in all the steps that have been developed that demonstrate the sense of responsibility of our national authorities and members of the university community; we will continue to develop all our actions with calm, serenity and confidence.
5. To express our sincere condolences and solidarity with the relatives of all the human victims of the pandemic at the global level, as well as our solidarity with all the people who are now suffering the economic and social consequences of the pandemic in different parts of the World, with the confidence that with Solidarity, Cooperation, Humanism, Responsibility and Unity, we will overcome this difficult and sad time for all Humanity.
6. Our commitment as a university to the service of the people in the face of the threat of the Pandemic is to actively participate in all that ensures life for our people and the mitigation of economic and social consequences affecting collective well-being.
Given in Managua, Nicaragua, at seventeen days of April of the year two thousand twenty.
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