CEIMM holds Good Living Chair with Business Administration Students
Concepts of wise and wise, Good Living.
Neylin Calderon

Within the framework of the Awareness Plan on the Intercultural Gender Perspective, the coordination of the Center for Multi-Ethnic Women's Studies and Information (CEIMM) of the Bilwi campus held on Monday the first chair on the concepts of Wise and Wise, Good Living, taught by teacher Denis Peralta to students of the First Year of Business Administration.

The purpose of imparting these themes seeks to contribute to multicultural integrity, so that students obtain new knowledge and knowledge from the experiences of indigenous, Afro-descendant and mixed-race peoples of Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast.

During the meeting it sought to generate concerns and new ideas to understand the worldview of peoples, who from their wisdoms can face industrial, economic and social development, as well as being able to rescue the customs, traditions and beliefs of the ancestors.

Teacher Meira Nicho, a CEIMM technique, explained that these chairs are also held to have an approach with students from the philosophy of life of the peoples. These types of events are held in significant quantities where they are directly articulated with teachers for proper implementation.

"(We do it) depending on the spaces that teachers allow us and the articulation with the coordinations of academic areas. Sometimes we get to teach 1,200 to 1,500 professorships a year," Nicho said.

It is worth mentioning that the awareness plan includes seven modules, including the philosophical framework of the university: Mission, Vision, the Good Living, the concept of wise and wise, and the intercultural gender perspective that is implemented in all URACCAN enclosures and extensions. Similarly, a module on Gender Violence is taught, Meira shared.

Innovation from the Good Life of Peoples

Teacher Denis Peralta stated that the ancestors maintained this spiritual connection with Mother Nature, which is why the new generations must know the oral history told by the indigenous people themselves, "that is why they only took advantage of what was necessary to survive, they always struggled to maintain balance, because that balance guaranteed the well-being of both people and nature".

Talking about Good Living or Sumak Kawsay is a new topic for students newly admitted to college classrooms, who have shown significant interest. Being able to return to the stories of peoples and their ancestors, which is also materialized by this harmonious contact with Mother Earth, nature and development in equal opportunities, is described part of the Good Living.