International Curriculum Adequacy of the Doctoral Program in Intercultural Studies

Doctoral workshop with various looks

By: Juan Polanco Hernández

URACCAN and the Network of Indigenous Universities, Intercultural and Community Of Abya Yala (RUIICAY), carry out the Doctoral Workshop: International Curriculum Adequacy of the Doctoral Program in Intercultural Studies, within the framework of the NORHED project "RUIICAY-HIOA Program for Linking in Intercultural Communication", sponsored by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and developed from 13 to 18 January 2020 in Corn Island , Autonomous Region of the South Caribbean Coast (RACCS).

This workshop is held with the presence of national and international participants, from Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Venezuela, the United States, Sweden, Norway, Spain and the different URACCAN venues, as well as RUIICAY authorities.

In this sense, the magnificent rector of URACCAN and coordinator of RUIICAY, Dr. Alta Hooker, thanked each of you for her contribution to the development and training of URACCAN's intercultural doctoral program, "I want to thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for having shared from your experience in the classes you have taught during these two years. Thank you also for taking our call to participate in this doctoral workshop," said Rector Hooker.

Joint impressions and experiences

Participants also shared their experiences working with URACCAN and RUIICAY from each of their spaces, agencies, countries, institutions and personal experiences that have lived in the walk of joint processes.

"We have been since the inico of the doctoral program in the quest to make this process a reality, and I have also been learning to the extent that we have walked so that our dreams can come true," said Letisia Castillo, academic director of URACCAN.

For its part, the PhD. Enrique Cordón, vice-chancellor of URACCAN Bilwi precinct, highlighted his pride in the processes and walking of URACCAN over his 25 years, "But also because this doctorate has impacted not only nationally, but internationally and I invite you to share and contribute ideas to this process," he said.

Philosophical appropriation and common interests

In addition, URACCAN Vice-Chancellor General Yuri Zapata referred to the joint work between individuals, institutions, organizations, networks, who have articulated efforts to carry out initiatives that contribute to the peoples of the Caribbean Coast and Abya Yala.

"We have managed to appropriate the philosophy, epistemology and very content of the doctorate and by this I mean that collective work has made us have great results," Zapata said.

In addition, Daniel Mato, a researcher at the UNESCO International Institute for Education (Ielsalc), highlighted URACCAN's work in decision-making processes at national and international level, bringing that voice and realities from the worldviews of peoples, and community intercultural work, "My relationship with URACCAN is already long, it has been very important to me , as a model of intercultural university is infinitely mentioned for the better, I especially appreciate the confidence of the rector and the good performance and appreciation of the doctoral students," the academic said.

Finally, Pedro Rufilius, senior advisor to the Regional Model of Autonomic Health, emphasized the walk of URACCAN and its academic, economic, social processes, which have formed and strengthened it, "Who would have thought that 25 years ago no one gave hope for this project and today we are talking about a doctoral program. I became interested in interculturality from the moment I had to learn a lot on the Caribbean Coast and there I realized the importance of learning, of integrating that other knowledge that was there, but that I did not see," he concluded.