The winning artistic work will be reflected on the walls of the Kiulna Community Innovation Center.
Promoting regional artistic talent
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Directorate (DIE) of URACCAN invites students, professionals, artists, amateurs and the general public to participate in the Mural Art Competition, which consists of developing an artistic proposal (sketch) and, if it wins, paint the exterior walls of the Innovation Center "Kiulna", of the Las Minas venue.
The sketch, which can be presented in physical or digital, shall be designed according to the general dimensions of the four exterior walls of the enclosure, the general measurements of which are: 2.80 meters high X 18.26 meters wide; and, from the central base to the ridge, 6.89 meters high.
The main criteria that the jury will take into account when rewarding the proposal will be: (1) Manifestation of the concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship from the intercultural gender perspective of URACCAN; (2) Representation of the potentials of the community, mother earth, culture, history, economy, peoples that characterize the identity of the Caribbean Coast; and (3) Originality of the idea.
The DIE will reward three proposals. First of all, you will get a tablet; the second, 1,500 cordobas; the third, 1000 cordobas. In addition, once the winners have been chosen, the DIE will provide all additional information and other requirements, and maintain the corresponding communication for the execution of the artistic work.
Deadline for submitting proposals: October 15, 2020.
Proposals can be delivered personally, physically or digitally, to the offices of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship area of URACCAN Las Minas enclosure; or sent to the emails provided below, specifying in the subject line "DIE Mural Art Contest", where the participant must add their personal data and attach their sketch.
If further information is required, please contact:
- Joel Montenegro. Coord. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Area. URACCAN-Las Minas Campus.
Cel: 88430215. E-mail: johelm7@gmail.com
- Victor Zúniga Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Cel: 85298222. E-mail: victor.zunig@uraccana.edu.ni
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