15 administrative computer scientists conduct undergraduate examination at Bilwi campus
Having complied with the URACCAN Curriculum Completion Regulations, these students opted for the undergraduate exam.
Neylin Calderon

New professionals contributing to development with identity

On the morning of this Friday, the area of Administrative and Economic Sciences of the Bilwi campus conducted a undergraduate examination of 15 young people who choose to have a degree in Administrative Informatics, and in this way contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of the region.

According to teacher Sheran Colomer, coordinator of the area, these academic spaces are carried out in compliance with the follow-up plan to graduates of this house of intercultural higher education, after meeting the requirements established by the Regulations of forms of completion of studies, proceeded to practice the undergraduate examination.

"In terms of parameters, the undergraduate exam is usually mostly applied to specific cases, cases that they (students) have to solve within a company, institution; in this case, Administrative Informatics carries that complement, then, is how students implement Information Technologies to solve or streamline processes within an institution, organization, private company, either for the projection or proposals of websites, information systems, databases, network infrastructure, security," Colomer explained.

Compliance with the graduate follow-up plan

In addition, the coordinator explained that since the career of Administrative Informatics two groups that are working on monographic research are being accompanied, one is already in the protocol stage and the other has already carried out its pre-defense, under the theme "Migration to free software by the Bilwi enclosure", where they intend to present a proposal to provide greater security to the programs that are used from the university Colomer said.

With regard to the career of Business Administration, four undergraduate examinations have been carried out and monographic research defenses have been conducted with topics that have been of great improvement for the population of Puerto Cabezas, among them, "The fluctuation of the price of lobster in the Charly Company", "The administrative and organizational development of the territory Prinzu Auhya Un" and "Reforms to the Law of Tax Concertation and its socio-economic impact on the fishing company Charly".

While the career of Systems Engineering, which also belongs to this educational area, since the coordination and academic secretariat have met with students who are in the fourth year of the career, so that they accelerate their processes of completion of studies, according to the teacher Sheran Colomer, so far have presented 6 topics for possible monographic research.