Nurture and Cultivation of Wisdoms and Knowledges (CCRISAC)
The current Base Document for the Nurture and Cultivation of Wisdoms and Knowledges - CCRISAC, second edition, is the product of a participatory process of profound and respectful dialogue, collectively constructed and articulated in the context of the Network of Indigenous, Intercultural and Community Universities of Abya Yala (RUIICAY, for its Spanish acronym). The following universities participated in this process: The Intercultural Indigenous Autonomous University of Colombia (UAIIN, for its Spanish acronym), Pluriversidad AMAWTAY WASI from Ecuador, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet1) from Norway and the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN, for its Spanish acronym) from Nicaragua, enlightened by our Taitas [Elders] and our mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers, ancestors and the spirits of the Pachamama or Mother Earth.
Tipo de Documento
- 137 vistas