Reflections on institutional work

By: Neylin Calderón

The presentation of the Annual Operational Plan (POA), and to know the minimum laws governing the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (CNEA), were the core points that were addressed at the second session of the University Council of the Campus (CUR), of the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua (URACCAN) Bilwi campus.

The session began with a spiritual reflection by the master's degree Abner Figueroa who urged officials and civil servants to draw up an annual plan in a personal and work way, where they include objectives and goals, but most importantly, at the end of the year they are fulfilled and in this way, the institution will walk the proposed paths.

Officials, as part of the reflection of the mission and institutional vision, agreed that it must be proactive, inclusive, innovative, with changes of attitudes, to learn to self-criticize, in addition to continuing to work with peoples and communities, especially since every action that is taken from each area is being fulfilled with the guidelines of the university.

Other agenda items

The Student Movement reported on the eighth congress to be held on February 22 at the Las Minas campus, where a delegation of 50 students, including 10 of the Waspam extension, will participate from this campus, in the same way, the outreach area set out about the process and the main agreements of the URACCAN Communication Team Articulation Workshop held Monday 03 to Wednesday, February 05 at the URACCAN Communication Team Slilma Intercultural Community Innovation.

The planning area of the site, reported that from this campus 999 activities were planned for the year and 27 of the Waspam extension, having as a whole 1028 activities planned for 2020, the POA 2020 was unanimously approved.

The vice-chancellor of the venue, Enrique Cordón, PhD, reported on the minimums of law, which governs Law 704, "Law creator of the national system for the assurance of the quality of education and regulator of the National Council of Evaluation and Accreditation", before this, Cordón said that, "in 2015 the plan of improvements was started, 90% of the planned activities were fulfilled as URACCAN" , that is why the visit of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Council (CNEA), for the evaluation process to the university, is expected, emphasized.