Meeting with the rector of URACCAN

By: Neylin Calderón

URACCAN's faculty at the Bilwi compound learned details of the extension of the Strategic Plan 2015 – 2019, in which the actions that failed to be achieved will be taken, while progress is made in the implementation of the construction of the new strategic plan that includes the collection of information collected to all institutional institutions, regional authorities and actors , local, regional and international for the period 2021-2030.

This was explained by Dr. Alta Hooker, rector of this house of intercultural higher studies, during a sustained meeting with the teaching guild of this campus, in which a stimulus was also given to the educational community for the excellent work done for the Good To Make of this alma mater.

In this context, Enrique Cordón, PhD. vice-chancellor of URACCAN at the Bilwi compound reported that, "in this year 2020 great changes come to continue the quality of intercultural higher education that is promoted from the university", he highlighted.

New institutional planning

For her part, Dr Hooker stated that in this space it is done to be able to share and exchange with the officials and officials of this institution, "We start the year very strong because we have just completed the strategic planning 2015-2019, that makes us reflect that what follows is the new planning, we have proposed that it is 10 years so that we can all dream about how we want to look" Exposed.

The rector also reported on the main activities that have been carried out so far this year, including the Doctoral Workshop: International Curriculum Adequacy of the Doctoral Program in Intercultural Studies, then the training workshop for trainers of the Cultivation and Breeding of Wisdoms and Knowledge (CCRISAC), the articulation of the annual planning of the university, and the articulation workshop with the team of intercultural communicators , performed this last week.

Similarly, Hooker reported on the Evaluation and Accreditation process that the relevant instance will be being carried out to URACCAN, including compliance with the law minimums, which mandata, "own a strategic development plan and evaluation, planning and monitoring mechanisms, we have, in the mission, vision, values, methodology, strategy, strategic objectives, actions and mechanisms of monitoring and evaluation , we have no problems with that," the rector emphasized.

Purposes of the meeting with rectory

In this sense, the Ivonne McLean master's degree, academic secretary of the Bilwi campus, highlighted that "the purpose of this assembly with full-time and part-time teachers was to welcome them from rectory to academic year. tell them that we are among the top five universities and that is a moment of joy, of celebrating and to continue working in the best way," McLean said.

Graduate David Patterson, sectional secretary of the teaching union, thanked as a guild for the visit by rectory "for us it is a pleasure that you are informing us what is being done, now URACCAN is planning for a decade because sometimes for the time that is very short you do not fulfill all the activities, we as teachers have contribute in all actions" , the teacher noted.

Similarly, Master Ivania Simons, coordinator of the area of Education Sciences, highlighted that it was a moment of "conversation in which we feel motivated by the words given to us by our rector, we really have to reaffirm every day our commitment, we are called to be agents of change in society", Simons concluded.