INAFOR gives arboretum talk to Psychology students in Multicultural Contexts
Students of Psychology in Multicultural Contexts during the educational talk about the Bilwi campus arboretum.
Neylin Calderon

Tour to know the properties of the plants

The National Forestry Institute (INAFOR) visited students from the 2nd year of Psychology in Multicultural Contexts of URACCAN Bilwi Enclosure to give them a talk on the use and number of tree species that exist in the Municipal University and Community Arboretum, located on the premises of this campus.

Ulysses Cordón, a technician at INAFOR, said these talks are done with the purpose of "giving students some knowledge about the types of species we have planted in the arboretum, their use and how much is the area being used in college."

This natural area was inaugurated in September last year, however, some people do not know the main objective of these natural areas, that is why INAFOR officials took a tour of the area, determining that "there are currently 13 species: Guapinol, Granadillo, Santa Maria, and others", Cordón noted.

It should be noted that, during the presentation, technicians emphasized the healing functions that some plants might have, including Eucalyptus, which serves to cure respiratory diseases; in COVID-19 times, the costly families have opted for traditional medicine, which is based on the use of natural plants.