URACCAN New Guinea students attend their classes responsiblely.
With extensive student participation in its different modalities, this Intercultural Community University has started its new academic cycle under a security protocol that addresses COVID-19 and that conforms to the realities of nicaragua's Caribbean Coast.
For PhD Eugenio López Mairena, vice-chancellor of URACCAN in New Guinea, "when we return and integrate back into classes, we are echoing what is oriented by the Ministry of Health".
In this sense, the vice-chancellor ensures that, as a first action, laundry rooms with sufficient soap and water have been placed so that the entire university community can make use" and the transport units used by staff and students are being disinfected.
For her part, the head of Human Resources of the campus, teacher Raquel Pérez, argues that the main response to the pandemic is in oneself; therefore, the university also appeals that all "staff and the entire university community continue to contribute responsiblely to this prevention".
Actions that convey security and trust
Byron Martínez López, a second-year student of Veterinary Medicine, stated that "the return has normally developed in each classroom, but with prevention measures such as the estating of one meter in the classroom, the change of breaks schedules, a group first others later, as well as when entering get handwashed".
For Aryeris Pineda, second-year Accounting, prevention work is noticeable from "hand-washing placement signage, desk positions in classrooms," which college students value as important.
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