CEIMM-URACCAN presents chair plan to students of the first income of URACCAN Bilwi campus
Chairs to first-income students of URACCAN Bilwi precinct
Chairs to first-income students of URACCAN Bilwi precinct
Neylin Calderon

Awareness-raising plan for the various forms of violence

The Center for Multi-Ethnic Women's Studies and Information (CEIMM-URACCAN) presented to first-income students at URACCAN Bilwi Campus, the Awareness Plan with a gender intercultural perspective, in which, through professorships, various educational topics for the costly youth are addressed.

In this context, teacher Anny Marley, coordinator of CEIMM at the Bilwi campus, stated that among the most relevant topics is the induction of the student with the institutional philosophical framework, "so that students know, as it is structured, what is the institutional philosophy and have greater appropriation of the university", he explained.

Marley also added that the main idea of meeting with the first-income student community is to get to know the functionalities of the center.

It is worth mentioning that during each week, from CEIMM at least three student groups will be visited, "we prioritize the common semester and then the first few years because we feel that they are the young people who come without much information about what the university is," Marley concluded.