Articulation with civil engineering students.

By: Neylin Calderón

The University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast maintains spaces and actions of community accompaniment, of rapprochement with communities, indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and mestizos, in addition to direct contact between teachers and student community, in this way the cross-cutting axes that point to interculturalization and internationalization and a relevant and quality higher education are implemented.

Under this approach, on Wednesday morning, URACCAN's Science Technology and Environment area, at the Bilwi campus, met with students in the Civil Engineering career, as a way to open the second academic semester, corresponding to this 2019 school year.

Students in BilwiAmong the topics presented at the assembly was the assignment of a tutor teacher for each year of the career, in addition to the previous activities that will be carried out for the celebration of the XXV anniversary of URACCAN, where the central activity will be held in October on this university campus.

In addition, the methodologies to be used in classrooms by teachers were proposed, these assemblies serve to enable students to give their views in the assignments of teachers and classes that are taught, as stated by Dr. Enrique Cordón, vice-chancellor of the Bilwi campus.

Activities prior to URACCAN's XXV Anniversary

Among the activities that are planned to be carried out before the central celebration of the 25 years of URACCAN, is the construction of the entrance of the enclosure, that is why, since the design of the facade, students of the career in Civil Engineering are involved in the ideas and creation of it.

It is important to emphasize that the construction of the entrance to the campus will be carried out by the students of the fifth year of the civil engineering career, in this way teaching-learning is encouraged from practice in the field, in addition the skills and skills of future professionals of this study house is recognized, "the career of civil engineering has the responsibility , the task of making the design, in fact we already did, has already been built, we already have the preliminary design, we are reviewing it, but also the entire construction project of the work will be in the hands of them," Cordón said.