Institutes and CentersCenter for Multi-Ethnic Women's Studies and Information, CEIMM.It has the mission of promoting the institutionalization of the intercultural perspective of gender in the work of the Intercultural Community University.Learn moreInstitute of Intercultural Communication, ICI.It is a specialized area of URACCAN, aimed at incentivizing a horizontal and intercultural practice of communication, making visible the historically unvisitable.Learn moreInstitute for Studies and Promotion of Autonomy, IEPA.It aims to accompany and train the community leadership of the Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendants and Mestizos of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast.Learn moreInstitute of Traditional Medicine and Community Development, IMTRADEC.It was born with a prospect of revitalization of Traditional Ancient Medicine, with a view to the vindication, rescue, strengthening and promotion of this medicine.Learn moreInstitute of Linguistic Promotion and Research and Cultural Revitalization, IPILC.IPILC's mission is to contribute to the empowerment of indigenous peoples, Afro descendants and half-breeds of the Caribbean Coast.Learn moreInstitute of Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development, IREMADES.IREMADES has been promoting accompaniment and knowledge management processes in different geopolitical scenarios.Learn moreEnvironmental Partner Information Center, CISA.It is focused on its self-development, the promotion of community social extension and the creation and recreation of knowledgeLearn more