URACCAN and its research model
By: José Garth Medina
The CCRISAC (Culture and Breeding of Wisdoms and Knowledge) research methodology is currently being implemented in the Las Minas campus through training to teachers and researchers.
THE CCRISAC, typical of URACCAN, is based on the cultural realities and identities of indigenous peoples and constitutes a collective effort with the Network of Intercultural and Community Indigenous Universities Abya Yala (RUIICAY). From this approach, communities are not objects of study, but subjects of research that live in harmony with Mother Earth. For this reason, students of URACCAN Las Minas are appropriated the CCRISAC methodology, in order to enrich their research processes and respond to the worldview, identity and interculturality of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua.
The training in the CCRISAC methodology is driven by the Coordination of Research and Post-Graduate of URACCAN Las Minas. Learning facilitators shared their research experiences with the CCRISAC methodology in their respective thesis.
The master's degree Ariel Chavarría Vigil, academic secretary of URACCAN, states that this methodology differs entirely from Western research models, as it points to processes of coexistence with direct actors, in the community context and immediate cultural reality.
According to the Carolina Blanco Marchena master's degree, research and post-graduate coordinator of URACCAN Las Minas, CCRISAC consists of "socializing with teachers, with those who accompany the research processes, is to socialize the document to see how it is being understanded, to share with the people who have researched with this methodology and people who have tutored this methodology".
In the Las Minas enclosure there are four feedback spaces of the CCRISAC methodology: one on the Siuna campus and three on the Rosita, Bonanza and Waslala extensions.
As a result of this training experience, participants will need to work on free research using the CCRISAC methodology, to present it later at the October 2020 scientific day.
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